
Experience Excellence with O.M. Cigars: A Tradition of Craftsmanship

When you see the initials O.M. on a cigar band, you’re not just holding a cigar—you’re holding decades of tradition, quality, and artistry. Since 1956, the makers of O.M. Cigars have upheld an uncompromising commitment to crafting exceptional cigars. This dedication to excellence ensures every cigar delivers a luxurious and memorable smoking experience.

The Introduction of the Habano Vuelta Arriba Wrapper

O.M. Cigars takes pride in innovation without sacrificing tradition. The Habano Vuelta Arriba wrapper, grown under natural cloud cover, is a testament to this philosophy. Its velvety texture and radiant sheen offer not just visual appeal but also an unparalleled smoking experience.

This wrapper’s flavor profile is crisp and clean, with an effervescent quality that excites the palate. From its appearance to its taste, the Habano Vuelta Arriba wrapper elevates every cigar it adorns.

A Blend That Defines Perfection

At the heart of the Essential Blend No. 1 lies a meticulous blend of premium tobaccos, each chosen to contribute depth, balance, and complexity:

  • Dominican Criollo 98: Delivers a touch of spice and boldness.
  • Nicaraguan Estelí: Adds robust earthy undertones.
  • Pennsylvania Tobaccos: Balances the profile with a unique and rich character.

These fillers are expertly bound by a Piloto Cubano binder, creating a harmonious blend that complements the elegant wrapper.

A Symphony of Flavors and Aromas

Every puff of the Essential Blend No. 1 is a sensory journey:

  • Flavor Notes: Sweet spices, hints of cocoa butter, and a citrus finish with a peppery edge.
  • Aroma: Savory malted leather with layered complexity.
  • Experience: Bright, refined, and versatile—perfect for morning coffee pairings or celebratory moments.

Elevate Your Rituals with O.M. Cigars

O.M. Cigars’ Essential Blend No. 1 isn’t just a cigar—it’s an embodiment of tradition, innovation, and luxury. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or exploring fine cigars, this blend promises an extraordinary experience. Discover the artistry of O.M. Cigars and make every moment exceptional.